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Modular Steel Girder Design for 40m, 50m and 60 mof Span in Indonesia

by Sudahra, Febry Pernata

Publisher - PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk, Indonesia

Category - Engineering & IT

Indonesia is an archipelagic country with large population. There is about 17,500 of islands and 261 million of population. Even though Indonesia is a large country, the population is concentrated in few regions. Geographical conditions and patterns of population distribution require the development of appropriate infrastructure such as bridges to connect between islands and elevated highway or flyovers to overcome land constrains. Currently steel structure is more popularly used for girder on bridge and elevated highway. Some of advantages on steel compared to concrete base are faster in fabrication and assembling, high quality cost but optimally distributed for the large number of spans, as well as better term for aesthetic. This paper describes in brief the experiences of PT Krakatau Steel (PTKS) in designing of modular steel girder for 40 m, 50 m and 60 m of span. PTKS is assisted by PT. LAPI ITB as a independent consultant in term to get prime and appropriate design for the girder. The design purposely considers the local steel optimization. The steel girder dimensions and properties are designed to utilize steel plate from PTKS and Local Steel Companies with 450 – 550 Mpa of yield strength, 20 – 24% of elongation, 1,700 – 2,500 mm of width and 20 – 22 mm of thickness. The design method and calculations are based on regulations and standard that apply in Indonesia. Analysis and calculation focused on the steel girder while pier, pierhead and foundation will adjust to the topography, soil type and seismic parameters of the location. Additionally, the production cost becomes lower so that be overall cost of the girder or even the project becomes more competitive. The PTKS steel girder design expected to be default design for development of bridges and elevated highway or flyovers in Indonesia. So that the constructions are faster, high quality, low budget and better aesthetic. Besides, the role of local steel companies will be more optimal.

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