Voluntary Energy Management in the Japanese Steel Industry
by Hiromi Kawamata, Junichi Tamura, Kenichiro Fujimoto
Publisher - The Japan Iron and Steel Federation (JISF), Japan, Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corporation, Japan
Category - Engineering & IT
New framework to address climate change has entered into force on 4th November
2016 as “Paris Agreement”, which was adopted at COP21 in December 2015. Under
the agreement, all countries will have greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets and
combat climate change. As a result, there will be increasing pressure on countries to
establish GHG reduction targets for the steel industry, which is an energy-intensive
industry with substantial GHG emissions, and to take the actions needed to reach the
targets. Some people believe that governmental economic measures are an effective method
for promoting energy conservation and lowering GHG emissions in all industries,
including the steel industry. Typical methods are governmental regulations,
benchmarks, carbon taxes, or emission trading schemes (ETS). Regulatory approach
can be effective to some extent as long as a level playing field is maintained among
different countries. But accomplishing this is virtually impossible. Only a few countries
may decide to establish very strict restrictions or a high carbon tax. This would
threaten the very survival of the steel industry in those countries, which is highly
vulnerable to global competition. In Japan’s steel industry, the basis for energy conservation and GHG emission
reductions is the “voluntary method.” Goals for the reductions for the entire industry
are established and companies then make efforts to accomplish these goals.
Reviews of progress are performed by government councils and other third party
entities. The current goal is to lower the steel industry’s CO2 emissions by 5 million
tons on a BAU basis by 2020. Steel mills in Japan are improving production
processes, replacing outdated equipment and taking other steps to reach this target.
Steelmakers are also sharing good practice know-how and using other methods to
step up activities for reaching the target. In addition, the steel industry is aiming for a
BAU CO2 emission reduction of 9 million tons by 2030. The 2030 target is also
reflected to the intended nationally determined contributions (INDC) that the
Japanese government submitted to the United Nations.
There are doubts about the voluntary method with regard to transparency and
effectiveness. In response to these concerns, JISF became the first industry
association in the world to receive ISO50001 certification for energy management
systems in February 2014. This certification is proof that energy management
methods of Japanese steel industry comply with international standards.
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