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by Stefan Schwarz, Dr. W.-Jürgen Ammerling
Category - General Novel
Finish rolling of Special Bar Quality (SBQ) products on the 3-roll RSB featuring highest economy is state of the art. Steady improvements of design parameters and processes are leading to further optimization of product quality and operational economy. Thus it is obvious that RSBs put into operation more than 10 years ago can be upgraded to make use of such new developments as well. In addition innovative features are available to be introduced in existing as well as new RSBs enabling the user to further optimize the SBQ production. In earlier times some RSBs were still operating with partially group driven stands. In order to apply “free-size rolling” and reduce roll inventory the individual drive can be installed during an upgrading project. Furthermore it is possible to operate existing RSBs originally equipped with standard “flangetype” stands with the newly developed “heavy duty” ++ stands without any change in the Cmodule driving and the quick stand changing system. Examples of both modernization projects are explained together with the impressive results. A newly developed process is the ”Stand Identification” (SID) system based on contactless data transfer by means of electro-magnetic waves. It is permitting insight in the actual status of rolls and guides at any time. Furthermore it avoids mal-operation and identifies potential incorrect set-ups thus reducing cobbles and downtimes. The resulting higher process safety is coupled with statistics on operating parameters with rolled hours and tonnages allowing efficient management of stands and guides with an easier planning of roll and guide roller procurement. The process and its features are described in more detail in the presentation.
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