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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7
oleh Xavier Cluzel, Ficky Maurya, Andiek Sunandika
Penerbit - Fives DMS, France, Sunrise Steel, Indonesia, Fives Country Manager, Indonesia
Kategori - Kejuruteraan & IT
The global building construction and white industry steel demand curve in Indonesia show encouraging trends, despite a gloomy economic situation. However, today’s market conditions are constantly changing, requiring a high level of competitiveness. Therefore, the steel industry turns towards efficient and tailor-made upgrade solutions to adapt the equipment to market evolving needs. Fives, an international industrial engineering group, was awarded in 2013 a contract to upgrade Sunrise Steel’s metal coating line (AlZn coating) at its Surabaya plant in Indonesia. The upgrade aimed to improve strip surface cleaning of full hard grade and increase output capacity. A feasibility study with various scenarios for furnace modification was conducted to find the best tailor-made solution to meet customer’s challenging requirements. The project targets and performance were fulfilled thanks to the implementation of advanced NOF technologies, optimized extend of modifications and record line stoppage duration. Today, the outstanding performance is recorded: 50% of line capacity increase, 25% of gas fuel saving, H2 consumption has been divided by 6 and finally, loss of production has been reduced by 50%. The paper focuses on the various stages and challenges of the AlZn coating line upgrade project in Indonesia, targeting sustainable development and environment performance.
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