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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7

The Improving of the Defects in CSC No.2 CGL

oleh Chun-Min Yang,Chih-Sheng Hu

Penerbit - China Steel Corp., Taiwan, R.O.C.

Kategori - Kejuruteraan & IT

Hot deep zinc coating is the one of most important process for continuous galvanizing line. The main equipment in this process includes zinc pot, sink rolls and air knives. During the zinc coating, there are some surface defects like clustered uneven coating, spot uneven coating, under coating weight often occurs, which are not acceptable quality by customers. To im prove those defeats China Steel Corporate No.2 Continuous Galvanizing Line had processed the Zinc Pot Area through facilities improvements, such as stronger the strength of structure of pot roll to keep the strip’s profile , using the nitrogen heating system , increasing the crown of the deflector roll of tower area, and reduce the aluminum content to make improvements in 2014.

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