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Increasing the Competitiveness of H-Beam by Hot Metal Charging

by Chien-Hung Chen, Ming-Hui Tseng, Yu Zen Chen

Publisher - Dragon Steel Corporation, Taiwan

Category - Engineering & IT

Dragon steel produces large H-beam whose maximum size is 900X300mm. To improve the competitiveness of H-beam, hot metal charging process is innovatively introduced into existed EAF shop. The charging ratio is flexibly adjusted from 33% to 66% depending on the quantity and cost of hot metal. Hot metal charging process reduces the demand of electrical power. In addition, the collapse of iron ore price resulted in the reduction of hot metal cost. Comparing the cost of 55% hot metal with 100% scrap, the utility cost of former is dropped 60% and ferrous source cost is dropped about 24%. On the other side, hot metal charging improves the quality as well. The harmful elements, such as copper, hydrogen... etc., can be restricted. Therefore, the surface cracks and seams is controlled. The competitiveness of DSC’s H-beam is highly improved by cost-reducing and higher quality after the introduction of hot metal charging into EAF.

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