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Latest Developments of Küttner’s Pulverized Coal Injection Technology

by Dr.-Ing. Franz Reufer, Dr.-Ing. Robin Schott

Publisher - Küttner GmbH & Co. KG, Deutschland

Category - Engineering & IT

In the past decades the development of pulverized coal injection technologies have been driven by the cost optimization for blast furnace operation. Today blast furnace operators are facing one more very important topic for their hot metal production: CO2 emissions. By further improvement of the injection technologies even in small steps Küttner’s efforts in this field are significant. An optimized coal injection system can reduce the CO2 emissions and can contribute to save expenditure for CO2 certificates which will more and more put blast furnace operation under pressure in particular in Europe and Germany. Küttner’s long lasting strategy in the field of injection technology was and is supporting blast furnace operators to sustainably reduce the coke rate by maximizing the amount of injected pulverized coal for the production of hot metal. A further increase to substitute coke by coal can be achieved by using the Oxycoal+ technology. This article compares and shows the cost effectiveness and the decrease of CO2- emissions with the help of simplified energy balances for the only coke operation of the blast furnace, the operation using pulverized coal injection and the operation using the Oxycoal+.

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