Practical Approach in Controlling Flue Gas Emission
by Paykan Safe, Joseph Yong, Stanley Lui
Publisher - Gas Cleaning Technologies LLC, USA, Gas Cleaning Technologies (Asia) Pte. Ltd., Singapore
Category - Engineering & IT
Over the years, there has been growing concerns in climate change and environmental risk due to
Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. Iron and steel industry remain as one of the largest energy
consuming sector in Asia that accounts for more than 20% of the overall energy consumption. To
reduce and control GHG emissions, regulators will impose stricter air pollution and energy
efficient targets for the iron and steel industry. This creates a strong motivation for companies to
improve their processes, shift to lower carbon substitutes, and enhanced energy efficient
Effective management of air borne emissions can be achieved by systemic approach with
emphasis on prevention, containment and treatment. Process optimization, energy assessment,
industry bench-marking and usage of new technology are the four main pillars that can be used
to define potential reduction in energy usage and flue emissions. These objectives can work
hand in hand with energy conservation and cost reduction that provides commercial
attractiveness to any iron and steel company.
This paper will discuss the practical approach on air emission assessment and potential waste gas
heat recovery process that has been adopted in the industry.
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