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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7

Evaluation and Prioritization of Iron-Making Technology in Thailand by Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

oleh Dr. Sirintip Juntueng

Penerbit - Sahaviriya Steel Industries Public Company Limited, Prachuap Khiri Khan, Thailand

Kategori - Kejuruteraan & IT

This research aims to evaluate and prioritize iron-making technology in Thailand by using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA). MCDA is based on environmental, economic and technological availability. Three iron-making technologies, blast furnace, corex and midrex, were evaluated. The qualitative data were collected from government sector, private sector, education sector and institute sector, which was changed to quantitative data by following classical AHP method. Three iron making technologies were evaluated by using bipolar analytical hierarchy process (BAHP) based on three main criteria and nine sub-criteria. The results from final evaluations based on technology, economic and environment aspects showed that Blast Furnace technology was the most preference of iron making technology in Thailand (48%), followed by Midrex (28%) and Corex (24%), respectively.

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