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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7

"Establishing Efficient and Resource-Saving Strip Processing Lines for Automotive Qualities in South East Asia"

oleh "Rajesh Garg, Fritz Bruhl, Dirk Borgmann, Caesar Sasse"

Penerbit - " Strip Processing and Furnace Technology"

Kategori - Kejuruteraan & IT

"Efficient and resource saving processing lines for annealing and/or galvanizing of cold-strips are required to produce automotive sheets in an economical way. To be a successful long-term partner of the automotive industry in Southeast Asia, steel makers have to produce besides commodity grades also materials with high surface qualities for exposed applications and advanced high-strength materials. These materials enable carmakers to save weight while fulfilling at the same time high safety standards. SMS group offers various line concepts for processing these materials and is capable to deliver the lines as a system supplier completely out of one hand. Particularly for the quality decisive processes cleaning, annealing, galvanizing and post-treatment efficient and resource saving concepts are available. Furthermore, SMS group supports its customers during all parts of project realization as a reliable and experienced partner. It starts with mutually defining an overall concept including financing model. A professional project management in combination with modern design methods ensures a consistent and reliable fulfilment. Set-up of SMS group includes own manufacturing locations in Asia to ensure a high-quality level of the equipment and short distances. The operators are trained prior to commissioning by operating specialists to safeguard a fast start-up and saleable coils right from the beginning. Furthermore, SMS group offers know-how services for plant technology, operation, processes, quality control and, last but not least, know-how for automotive exposed and advanced high-strength steel grades including certification and approval procedures. This paper illustrates the most important line concepts, process steps and economic solutions regarding the production of steels for use in automobiles and shows reference examples. In addition, it emphasizes on the comprehensive support and services which SMS group offers to realize such projects in Southeast Asia."

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