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The Value of Energy and Resources - Towards an Efficient Future Steelmaking

by Dr. Alexander Fleischanderl, Dr. Thomas Steinparzer

Publisher - Primetals Technologies Austria GmbH, Linz

Category - Engineering & IT

"Steel market has become somehow unpredictable and requires quick adjustment in production conditions to survive in the harsh market environment. Steel production is not anymore driven by output records, but by efficient cost reduction measures to remain competitive under strongly varying production conditions. Energy efficient production and flexible raw material scenarios have become decisive factors to succeed and survive in our industry. Such scenarios have to be carefully investigated to be well prepared to adopt production steps continuously. The paper analyses various process opportunities to optimize energy and raw material consumption in the production route. Off-gas treatment systems have still a huge untapped potential to recover energy from the hot waste gases. This is valid for the EAF mini mills as well as for the integrated route. Various examples for waste heat recovery systems including resulting benefits are discussed for the EAF, agglomeration, blast furnace, direct reduction and BOF. New innovative bag-filter systems feature extremely low emission levels at lowest pressure loss and sound emission conditions. Also improved control and automation solutions support the operators to minimize the operation and maintenance costs of their off-gas system. Steelmaking by-products shall not be considered as residues, but as a valuable and cheap raw material source. The paper presents some show cases how to valorize slags as well as utilizing coke and iron oxide fines to increase productivity and minimize raw material cost. A new process for highly flexible converter steelmaking allowing for extraordinary high HBI and scrap rates above 50% and improved yield is discussed and evaluated."

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