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by Dr Jitendra Patel
Publisher - International Metallurgy Ltd, England, UK
Category - Engineering & IT
"As availability of sites for onshore wind power farms become gradually scarce and less economically attractive, the offshore route is increasingly seen as the primary way to realise low carbon energy generation targets. However, such developments bring technical and economic challenges. One of which is the need for large quantities of steel for the tower and foundation structure (averaging 800-1,000t/5MW), with special mechanical properties regarding toughness (-40ºC), strength, weldability (thick plates, high heat-input) and now fatigue. In comparison to onshore requirements, steel plates between 100 – 120mm thick are increasingly being utilised with strengths approaching 600MPa. The production of modern high-strength fine grained steels combine the advantages of high strength properties with an optimum cost/performance ratio. They enable the use of constructions with wall thickness reductions and further reduce the carbon footprint. This article gives an overview on the production, properties and processing behaviour of highstrength steelstypically used in today’s monopole and jacketed structures. It provides an insight to the role of micro-alloys such as niobium (Nb) as a key technology enabler in the development of the desired steel microstructure to meet both technical and economic challenges. The article also explores the value creation potential for the South East Asian steel industry in the regional offshore market by the adoption of such high strength steels."
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