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by "Dr Jitendra Patel "
Publisher - "CBMM Technology Suisse S.A., Geneva, Switzerland & International Metallurgy Ltd, Nottingham, England, UK "
Category - Engineering & IT
"Whether making an offshore platform, a tall high-rise building or a bridge structure, all require significant steel tonnage and a range of steel types that are further engineered to final use. Common to the success in all these structures is that they need to be constructed economically and demonstrate value to all parts of the supply chain. A key enabler of this value creation can be found at the very start of steelmaking, which is the steel chemical make-up and thus raw material input. This paper will use the example of a bridge structure to demonstrate how important the selection of the correct alloy design (and thus raw material) is in bringing about the creation of economic value that is felt throughout the supply chain. It will discuss technical and economic advantages certain micro-alloyed steel systems bring and highlights how to extract maximum contribution from them. In particular, metallurgical attention is given to the individual and distinct rolesthey play, their interactions and how judicious additions only costing a few dollars per tonne can in fact leverage significant value worth hundred of thousands of dollars throughout the chain, from the steel producer to the final bridge structure owner/operator. The paper concludes, that in today’s social and market driven environment it is of growing necessity that steelmakers fully understand and champion the true economic value they can deliver into the supply chain whilst maintaining a commercial advantage. "
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