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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7

New Sizing Stands for Bar & Wire Rod Mills, to Achieve Tighter Tolleranes - The BSS Stands

oleh Nicola Tomba, Matteo Tomba

Penerbit - PERT srl, Long Product Dept., Tavagnacco (UD), Italy

Kategori - Kejuruteraan & IT

Thanks to the extremely high stiffness of BSS Sizing Stands, we introduce the concept of “sizing stands” not only in special steel rolling mills (SBQ or alloyed steel), where the tolerance of the final products must be very tight, but also in rebar or wire rod rolling mills. This means a very high final product quality and a better product marketability, in fact the quality improvement does not involve higher production cost, even better, using BSS Sizing Stands, the operational cost are reduced. Thanks to the extremely high stiffness of BSS Sizing Stands, we introduce the concept of “sizing stands” not only in special steel rolling mills (SBQ or alloyed steel), where the tolerance of the final products must be very tight, but also in rebar or wire rod rolling mills. This means a very high final product quality and a better product marketability, in fact the quality improvement does not involve higher production cost, even better, using BSS Sizing Stands, the operational cost are reduced.

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