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by Yoichiro Yamanaka, Hiroki Iwasa, Toyofumi Watanabe
Publisher - JFE Steel Corporation
Category - General Novel
Conventional food cans use coated steel sheets, but there are several problems with this, including how to treat the toxic substances (waste solvents and coating materials) generated in the coating process and how to reduce the waste gas (CO2) emitted in large quantities during the baking process. “UNIVERSAL BRITE” Type F has been developed to meet the demands, and features the following superior properties. (1)Formability : It is generally accepted that homo PET film is not suitable for can forming use because of its rapid crystallization deteriorating its formability. The breakthrough of the advanced two-layered film has made homo PET film available due to a combination of a new unique-structured PET and an original laminating process, inhibiting the crystal generation markedly. (2)Content release property : Another advantage of the “UNIVERSAL BRITE” Type F is the excellent content release property that is essential to food cans. Due to an addition of original surface-modifying additives to the upper layer of the film, the property has been obtained by effectively reducing the surface free energy of the PET film. The additives cover the film surface, which leads to sharp decrease of the polar component of the surface, thus reducing the surface free energy. (3)Appearance : “UNIVERSAL BRITE” Type F has beautiful exterior finishing with addition of proprietary pigments. With new technologies, “UNIVERSAL BRITE” Type F has been developed and commercial production has been started in 2001.
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