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by Ming-Feng Lee, Fu-Hsiang Chang, Juei-Tsai Huang, Yung-Chieh Lin, Hsin-Hsien Huang, Kuo-Feng Kang
Publisher - China Steel Corp.
Category - General Novel
The demand of hot-rolled steel coils with extra heavy gauge has been getting higher due to the promotion of construction in south east Asia countries since the forth quarter in 2008. When the techniques of heavy duty down coiling, precise laminar cooling , heavy reduction in finish mill, and low temperature rolling were applied to meet the quality requirements, the hot rolled extra heavy gauge steel coils with good coil shape, suitable tensile properties, and good impact properties have been produced. In 2009, China Steel Corporation has successfully commercialized high strength structural steels with 16-25mm thickness. They were manufactured into spiral pipes used for projects of public construction, such as pipe piles for boardwalk and expressway under the sea.
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