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by Christopher Ravenscroft
Publisher - Midrex Technologies, Inc.
Category - General Novel
China’s size and growth in the ironmaking industry has overshadowed much of the trends that should be evident elsewhere in the world, especially as the majority of China’s steelmaking capacity is blast furnace based. Outside of China, growth of the EAF steel industry and DRI usage is on the rise, along with other factors that show the outlook for world DRI to be quite positive over the next decade. As the world’s annual DRI production exceeds 73 million tons per year, the industry continues its upward trend. Growth of new DR plants employing cutting-edge technologies for better productivity and larger economies of scale are focused in a few key regions including the Russia/CIS, India and the Middle East. Flexibility will be key to success of current and new projects with greater focus on efficiency, better utilizing resources such as coal gasification, hot transport of DRI and reducing emission. This paper will examine the 2011 world DR production, new technologies in practice and issues that will affect the industry, especially in India- the world’s largest producer of DRI.
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