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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7

Automatic Roll Surface Inspection System Integrated in the Grinding Process

oleh Mike Nitschke

Penerbit - WALDRICH SIEGEN GmbH & Co. KG

Kategori - Novel Am

As the present time is characterized by increasing automation and faster production cycles, automatic process inspection of technical processes becomes more and more important. The quality demands and the productivity are increasing, simultaneously. Due to this conflict of aims, it is necessary that also quality inspections – today often carried out manually – become integrated in the widely automated production process. This affects the processes in modern roll shops and service centers as well. Today’s production technologies respectively today’s demands on quality and productivity require fast, precise and repeatable test procedures. An important target of an innovative inspection system has to be the independence from the manualvisual surface inspection. For the inspection of sensitive, high-precision surfaces such as ground roll surfaces, non-contact systems are required, accordingly. The integration of an inspection system within the automatic program cycle of a roll grinder and the fast feedback of the inspection results lead to decreased scrap rates and advanced product qualities. Future developments should include automatic correction grinding programs.

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