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Roll Shop Auxiliaries and Complete Roll Shops


Publisher - Tenova S.p.A.

Category - General Novel

In the past, steel manufacturers often designed roll shops purchasing the pieces from individual suppliers and integrating them, or living with the lack of integration. Today steel manufacturers tend to buy complete roll shops from one supplier, like Pomini Tenova, who can provide the complete roll shop design as well as all the machinery, including roll grinders, shear blade grinders, automatic loaders, special tongs, transfer cars, dechockers, chock tilters, cooling and washing stations etc. Different machines are integrated and exchange data with a central roll shop management system, using the same Servers, PCs, PLCs and CNCs thus reducing the skills necessary for maintenance personnel and making it easier to keep spare parts in stock. Only one company is responsible for support in the roll shop, so responsibilities are clear and skilled people easier to find. This presentation describes the design of complete roll shops for today’s and tomorrow’s applications.

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