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Steel Market Dynamics and Innovative Technological Solutions

by Johann Kriechmair

Publisher - Siemens VAI, VOEST-ALPINE Industrieanlagenbau Gmbh & Co, Linz

Category - General Novel

The boom in the iron and steel industry continues and has reached an all time high in terms of production and demand. Additionally, the general upturn of the economy is accelerating the consolidation of the industry and the necessary investments. The questions to be answered include: in the medium and long-term view, how and where can steel be produced at competitive costs to serve the local and export demands? Which materials need to be processed, which product-mix should be produced and which technologies should be implemented and efficiently used to generate the highest margin ratios? Which processes will set new benchmarks in iron and steel production? The paper provides answers to the above questions. It presents and reviews the development of product prices and raw materials, followed by a discussion of innovative technologies. By utilizing these technologies, steel producers will be able to produce high quality products for direct applications at low production costs. Highest process efficiency and environmental compatibility are the demanding factors that need to be addressed. The following processes and solutions are discussed in more detail: - Iron making - EAF steel making with hot charging of DRI - Medium-slab casters and direct links - Continuous casting and rolling process for production of ultra thin hot strips

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