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Knowledge Management in Steel Industry

by Henry Ng Boon Loong, Tan Sock Lan, Sangeeta Mishra

Publisher - NatSteel Holdings, Tata Steel

Category - General Novel

Knowledge Management (KM) is a concept in which an enterprise consciously and comprehensively captures, shares, re-use and protects its knowledge in terms of resources, documents and people skills. To retain critical knowledge in view of the international trend of increasing mobility of employees, NatSteel and Tata Steel have embarked on KM. Tata Steel started the KM journey since 1999. Tata Steel’s knowledge sharing culture has been recognised by a number of MAKE (Most Admired Knowledge Enterprise) Asia awards over the years. With the support of Tata Steel, NatSteel started its KM journey by conducting a self assessment in late 2009 to determine its awareness and readiness of people, processes, organisation needs, support systems, scope and results for KM. It has also identified road blocks and proposed KM programs to be implemented in NatSteel. NatSteel is young in this endeavour and draws from the wealth of experience Tata Steel has. This paper shares what has worked and what has not so far for NatSteel in the journey of KM.

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