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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 7

PLC Revamping of Light Plate Trim and Crosscut Shear Line

oleh Aditya Tejo Widagdo, Linggar Fergisha, Suhaipik

Penerbit - PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk

Kategori - Novel Am

Due to rapid development of technology, obsolescence becomes one of the most potential threats in automation system. This problem could even stop the operation of equipment and therefore will make production process no longer sustainable. Revamping is one of the possible solutions that could be applied to overcome this threat. This paper describes about rRevamping pProject of 4-25 mm Light Plate Trim and Crosscut Shear Line (Shearing Line 1) aAutomation sSystem which was finished in 2012 under self-management of PT Krakatau Steel (Persero) Tbk. The obsolete Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) was replaced by the new one with several program adaptations and modifications. In addition, Human Machine Interface (HMI) was also installed to make the operational and maintenance process easier. The results of this project were not only in successful elimination of the PLC obsolescence, but also significant suppressing of automation maintenance delay up to 100% for a year. Since there was no necessity of external technical assistance during engineering, erection, and commissioning phases; this project resulted capital expenditure saving. Moreover, this self-managed project was is effectively helpful in accelerating transfer of knowledge and shortens the learning curve of the personnel.

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