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Revamping of Reheating Furnaces

by Massimiliano Fantuzzi, Enrico Castellano

Publisher - Tenova Italimpianti

Category - General Novel

The world scenario of the reheating furnaces is characterized by a considerable number of plants erected in 70s and 80s and 90s of the past century still in operation today. Such furnaces, despite the normal maintenance, often can’t continue yielding acceptable throughput, product quality, fuel consumption, and pollutant emissions. After the world crisis of 2008 which is still affecting in many areas the steel production a dilemma is posed for all the steel manufacturers: “making new plants or revamping the existing ones (excluding of course in principle the total shut-down)”? The answer is the result of an overall technical and economic analysis where the market demand is fulfilled only by a profitable and sustainable production. The modern design techniques and the solutions adopted for the realization of new furnaces can be applied to give new life to old plants according to the criteria of sustainability. The present paper shows how Tenova Italimpianti through its experience makes possible to carry out efficiently furnace revampings by means of both consolidated procedures and application of the ultimate products of the research and of the technology. Particular focus is dedicated to the advanced combustion solutions and to the automation and control techniques.

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