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Mitigating Logistics Issues for High Productive Steel Environment (Sidelifter-Flat Rack integrated System Project)

by Colin Chook

Publisher - NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd

Category - General Novel

NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd is a leading Pan-Asian company that delivers premium reinforcement steel products and solutions for the construction industry. This plant is the only local steel mill with an integrated upstream and downstream operation, where steel is manufactured through recycling scrap, and fabricated according to customers’ needs. With operations spanning across the region, the group has an annual steel production capacity of over 2 million tonnes. Being one of the most in-demand steel reinforcement needs in construction industry, Logistics Department has been a significant contribution to Natsteel success. Volumes of orders are being logged-in for delivery on a 12-hour basis. Given these orders, the process of loading and unloading is busy with a delivery mode of almost 12-hour a day with people involved in all continuous loading and unloading process. While we have experience and achieved great competence in using prime movers with trailer beds for delivery, the team was challenged to rethink the logistics for transporting finished products from the shop floor to the customers’ sites. In addition, with our fast-growing sales volume and limited vehicles available for delivery, there was an increasing need to reduce long vehicle turnaround time at construction which would improve delivery-on-time to all customers. In an attempt to revolutionize the delivery of construction steel to our customers, NatSteel developed the “NatSteel Sidelifter-Flatrack Integrated Delivery System”, which has improves many aspects of the logistics operation. Besides loading and unloading safely, it gives customers the flexibility to unload the products when they can spare resources, better housekeeping and reducing vehicle congestion on their sites.

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