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by Stefan Schwarz, Günther Schnell, Dr. Georg Nussbaum, Dr. W.-Jürgen Ammerling
Publisher - Friedrich Kocks Gmbh & Co Kg, Swiss Steel Ag
Category - General Novel
The company SWISS STEEL AG, Emmenbrücke / Swiss – the competence center for the manufacturing and processing of high-grade, special and free-cutting steel within the SCHMOLZ & BICKENBACH GROUP – started operation of a 5-stand 3-roll Reducing & Sizing Block [RSB] of FRIEDRICH KOCKS GmbH & Co KG, Hilden / Germany in August 2002. In the combination wire rod and bar mill, the RSB is used as finishing block for round and hexagon cross-sections as straight bar as well as bar in coil. In addition, the RSB provides all necessary pre-sections for the wire rod finishing block. The modern type of this reliable block, its customer-oriented design and its flexible operating philosophy do not only offer the possibility to improve the product quality considerably (e.g. tolerance, surface, mechanical properties), but allows especially to improve the utilization of the whole mill considerably by rolling with one pass family in the roughing and intermediate mill, “free-size”-rolling, remote adjustment of the stand and guides as well as quick stand change. The result is higher yield and considerably higher productivity with reduced operating costs. The advantages for the finished products as well as the whole production process concerning quality, market flexibility and productivity are shown and proven on the basis of experiences and operating results of the first three years at von Moos.
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