Reheating Furnace Combustion Control Optimization using Billet Heat State Modeling
by Stanley Sim Tianzheng
Publisher - NatSteel Holdings Pte
Ltd, Singapore
Category - General Novel
Reheating furnace is a key unit of steel rolling mill where billet is heated to uniform target temperature for rolling. The combustion process of the furnace involves setting the furnace individual zone temperature according to the billet characteristic and to optimize the configuration of the fuel-air ratio to ensure that the fuel will burn fully and reduce high temperature oxidation of the billets. In order to achieve the optimize temperature set point, the concept of using the billet heat state modelling to predict the exact preheating, heating and soaking zone temperature set point will be used. Using the optimum furnace temperature set point that is set by the heat modelling, we can than ensure that minimum amount of heat is wasted and the billets are heated at its optimal performance level. This method of combustion control will also help to achieve significant tangible energy saving as a result of saving power and fuel for heating and it will also improved consistency of billet temperatures thus ensuring minimal amount of heat related stress upon the billet cause by under heating and overheating of the billets.
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