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by Tanehiro Kikkawa
Publisher - JP Steel Plantech Co.,
Category - General Novel
A reversing cold rolling mill has had drawbacks such that unrolled portions necessarily produced in head and tail ends reduce yield, and time consuming works such as removing of coils, threading of the strip and holding of the strip with the tension reel decrease productivity. There has been developed a new rolling method and facility (Zoom-MillTM, Zero-Oriented Off-gauge Minimization) that allows a leader strip and a product coil are connected using a spot welding machine and are finished through even-numbered passes in a reversing cold rolling mill. It is expected to reduce unrolled portions (improvement of yield) as well as improvement of productivity. The first Zoom-MillTM was put to practical use and commercial operation started in March 2010. This mill is working very well as initially intended, achieving approximately 1% improvement of yield of the products immediately after installation to the existing line. Productivity of the mill was also increased along quick learning curve.
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