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by Tanehiro Kikkawa
Publisher - JP Steel Plantech Co.
Category - General Novel
JP Steel Plantech Co. (SPCO), Japan, started-up PL-TCM (Pickling and Tandem Cold Mill) at China Steel Sumikin Vietnam Joint Stock Company (CSVC) located near Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in November 2013. This paper introduces outline of the plant including major facilities, as well as technical features such as SPEOSTM (Superior Profile with Edge Oriented Shifting) technology applied for all stand of 5-stand 6-high Tandem Cold Mill. SPEOSTM is an advanced crown control technology involving shifting of special curved rolls to the axial direction. A pair of SPEOS curved rolls creates Gap Expanding Transitional Zone (GETZ) at both side of strip edge zone for any width of strip to be rolled. Strip thickness outside of GETZ becomes thicker than center naturally. Since started-up in November 2013, this PL-TCM line has been producing high quality cold rolled coils to the market as committed by SPCO in the early stage of the project.
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