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by I-Ning Chen, Su-Chuan Sung, Kuei-Sung Tseng
Publisher - CSC, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Category - General Novel
In the cold rolling mill line, the width deviation often results from the incorrect width compensation of trimming process. Furthermore, the procedure to determine and verify the width compensation value always spends time. That the traditional way to define the compensation value for each kind of steel grade indicated as the design of alloy composition, it starts from the collection of the product data; in addition, further analysis of the width change according to different product dimensions and process parameters is necessary. Finally, the compensation value classified by different dimension and specification of product could be assured. For alleviating the procedure mentioned above, this project proposes an automatically calculating model derived by using the concept of mass conservation law. Through this calculating model, we could easily obtain the proper compensation value. In addition, that through the actual experiments presented in this project indicates that the proposed calculating model is feasible, efficient and accurate for estimating width compensation value.
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