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Integrated Fabrication System for Reinforcement Steel

by Lau Wing Keong, Casey Seow Kok Chiu

Publisher - NatSteel Holdings Pte Ltd, Singapore

Category - General Novel

NatSteel Holdings boasts one of the largest single prefabrication operations in the world, with a capacity of more than 500,000 metric tonnes for cut and bend, mesh and caging. Being a single prefabrication operation, we need an integrated fabrication system to meet our customers’ expectations of excellent quality as well as delivery compliance. We strive to meet the company goals of achieving high productivity by leveraging on optimization software and automation systems. The inventory control and logistics operations are also made efficient through effective process management and a wide-ranging fleet. NatSteel started the revamp and renewal of our machineries, equipment and systems about 2 years ago. Taking into consideration the demands of our customers and the Singapore government’s future plan to improve productivity and tighten labour controls, we have targeted ourselves to increase throughput. This revamp and renewal process has required us to work closely with all stakeholders including suppliers, customers and technology partners to achieve low wastage, well-balanced production and on-time deliveries. Concurrently, the supply chain initiative was also kick-started to build an efficient end-to-end supply chain system that focused on areas like sales and operations planning, capacity management and production scheduling. This has enhanced the visibility and throughput within the supply chain through improvements in shop-floor tracking and process optimization. The delivery fleet also underwent a revamp to improve their handling and unloading capabilities. Coupled with inventories streamlined using the buffer management approach, the NatSteel supply chain has transformed itself with a goal to achieve better profitability and customer fulfillment through higher delivery throughput and compliance.

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