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by C. Giavani, E. Malfa, V. Battaglia
Publisher - Tenova SpA, Centro Sviluppo Materiali SpA
Category - General Novel
After more than 20 years from its first commercial installation, with 41 references worldwide (8 of which are on the way), Tenova’s Consteel® EAF has become a proven steelmaking technology, appreciated for its efficient use of energy and raw materials, operational and maintenance ease, and environmental friendliness. The experience made throughout these years, on Consteel® EAFs running in quite different scenarios, and suggestions coming from the end users have given Tenova’s process engineers several ideas on possible improvement of this technology. Some of these improvements had to be investigated with a deeper look into the complex scrap heating phenomenon taking place inside the Consteel® system; this was done with the help of the Centro Sviluppo Materiali (CSM), by means of laboratory trials and an extensive use of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis. This paper describes part of this development work, in which experience, passion and engineering have given birth to a new generation of furnaces, the Consteel® Evolution™, which will fully express the potential of John Vallomy’s great idea: the Consteel® system.
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