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by Dr. Andreas Opfermann, Dr. Alexander Grosse, Steven Wohlfahrt
Publisher - GmbH, Germany
Category - General Novel
In 1968, production at the Badische steel plant started with a plant capacity of 300.000 t. Now, approx. 50.000.000 t and 630.000 heats later, the plant has reached an output of more than 2 Mio.t finished product per year. The improvement of the processes at Badische has therefore a 45 year old tradition. The combi nation of engineering at BSE and steel production at BSW leads to one of the most efficient mini mills worldwide. The plant is operated with reliable equipment by well-educated, trained, and motivated people - this is our “Badische Philosophy”. And this is the foundation for a successful steel production with high productivity and low costs. BSW operates two AC arc furnaces with 102 t tapping weight and 75 MW average power input leading to an average tap-to-tap-time of 41 min. Two ladle furnaces prepare the heats in 20 min only; casting is done via eleven strands on two casting machines. With more than 70% of hot charging the billets are rolled in a wire rod and rebar mill. Chemical energy input and optimization of the EAF process with chemical energy tools for faster melting and refining have continuously gained in importance in the steel production process. The aim worldwide is to produce with low energy consumption at low costs and with a low impact on the environment. Chemical energy tools have been in use for 30 years now - from door lances to combined systems with side wall tools and injection of solid agents - to create a more homoge neous melting and heating. Results of different operational tests at the BSW arc furnaces are displayed and discussed. Our aim is to look into the details and thus optimize the operation.
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