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by Daniel Aegerter, Dr. Jan Gummersbach
Publisher - BUCK Materials Handling Equipment Co. Ltd., SMS Logistiksysteme GmbH
Category - General Novel
The automotive industry and other high quality steel application users demand crack free billets to ensure faultless products for further processing. Suppliers to those industry sectors also have to provide detailed and stringent quality documentation of the surface condition of each and every billet. To be able to do this, a reliable way to test the billet surface and an efficient method to remove existing cracks on the billets must be available. The BUCK Mecana NT system offers the fusion of the proven Mecana dry magnetic particle inspection system paired with a new sophisticated and innovative optical crack recognition system which is in operation in a German steel plant with proven results. Application of the system is not only to detect existing cracks on billets but also the reduction of cracks through optimization of the casting and rolling processes by adapting the relevant parameters. Existing cracks on billets can be ground fully automatic with the acquired data from the optical recognition system with state of the art high pressure grinding machines from SMS Logistiksysteme GmbH. The combination of the BUCK Mecana NT system and the high pressure grinding solutions of SMS Logistiksysteme offers an advanced fully automated crack detection and removal system.
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